South Uist Church of Scotland

Uibhist a Deas - South Uist

Fàilte - Welcome

For close on 1400 years there has been a Christian presence on South Uist and we, the congregation of South Uist are privileged to follow in the footsteps of so many generations of faithful Christians before us.

​As a congregation we have a rich history behind us, but seek to live the faith anew for our times.

​We are a congregation of the (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland, but our unique island situation means that we are drawn together from many different ecumenical walks of life and delight in learning from one another as well as from the many visitors and tourists who join us throughout the year. While our services are in English, we serve an island community where Gaelic is widely spoken, including by many members of our congregation. We therefore like to introduce some elements of Gaelic into our services. We endeavour to make worship as inclusive a time as possible.

​We alternate worship between our two churches on South Uist, in Daliburgh and Howmore.

​A few years ago we also entered a formal link with the church on the neighbouring island of Barra and now share a minister between us and once a year we make a point of not letting the Sound of Barra come between us and worship together on one island or the other.

​We, the Church of Scotland congregation of South Uist would be delighted for you to join us in worship and fellowship thereby allowing us all to be enriched from traditions other than our own.

©Church of Scotland South Uist Scottish Registered Charity SC031790